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🚧 Rate limiter

Our API has a fixed rate limiter on all end-points that allows a maximum of 10 requests per second per end-point. Our server will answer 429 Too Many Requests after that.

The response headers give you 2 different sets of rate limit headers RateLimit-\* and X-RateLimit-\*. You should choose one set of headers that match your needs.

RateLimit-\* rate limit headers​

This set of headers is the standardization draft adopted by the IETF.

RateLimit-Limit10The total requests allowed for 1-second window
RateLimit-Remaining9The number of requests left for 1-second window
RateLimit-Reset1The delay in seconds before the rate limit is reset

X-RateLimit-\* rate limit headers​

X-RateLimit-Limit10The total requests allowed for 1 second window
X-RateLimit-Remaining9The number of requests left for 1 second window
X-RateLimit-Reset1645507056The Unix timestamp when the rate limit will be reset

Retry-After header​

The header Retry-After is also available and indicate the the delay in seconds before the rate limit is reset. It's equivalent to the RateLimit-Reset header.