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🚥 Status

Along with the event's status, which is the raw event's text provided by the courier, Ship24 is automatically detecting the meaning of this status and provides a normalized and codified version of it.

This information is available using 3 fields, depending on the degree of detail you require:

  • The statusCode which provides the codified meaning of a specific event.
  • The statusCategory which provides the codified category of a specific event.
  • The statusMilestone which provides the overall status of the shipment at the time of the event.

for example,

"eventId": "67a64a66-c0cd-429c-a00b-4a30499fd997",
"status": "ENTREGADO. Su envío está entregado.",
"occurrenceDatetime": "2023-01-09T15:11:00",
"statusCode": "delivery_delivered", // -> Meaning of this specific event (delivered)
"statusCategory": "delivery", // -> Category of this specific event (during "delivery" phase)
"statusMilestone": "delivered" // -> Overall status of the shipment at this time (delivered)

While the statusCategory and statusCode may be empty on non-significant events, the statusMilestone will be provided on each and every event of a shipment. If you need a high-level status of your shipment, statusMilestone is a great choice.


The statusMilestone provides an overall status of the shipment at any point in time. The field statusMilestone is provided both at event-level (overall status of the shipment during the occurrence of the event) and at shipment-level (overall status of the shipment at the present time).

To test these statuses, you can use the Ship24 sample tracking numbers listed in the section below.

pendingPendingThe shipment doesn’t have events available yet or can’t be found.
info_receivedInfo. ReceivedThe shipment has been declared electronically and/or is in preparation by the shipper.
in_transitIn TransitThe shipment has been accepted or picked up from the shipper and is on the way.
out_for_deliveryOut for DeliveryThe shipment is about to be delivered, usually the same day.
failed_attemptFailed AttemptA delivery attempt was made and failed (Recipient not available, business closed, etc.)
available_for_pickupTo Pick UpThe shipment is ready to be picked up by the receiver. (At a pickup point such as a post office, a locker, or a local business)
deliveredDeliveredThe shipment has been delivered. (Delivered at home, picked up from a pickup point, etc.)
exceptionExceptionThe shipment can’t be delivered due to issues that seem to be final (Returning, returned, lost, destroyed, etc.)

statusCode and statusCategory​

The statusCode and statusCategory provides the codified meaning of a specific event. If the event is not significant, it may not be provided.

dataEvents related to data exchange, without physical meaning.
data_order_createdDelivery order created. The delivery order is electronically declared in the courier's system.
data_order_cancelledDelivery order cancelled. The delivery order has been cancelled in the courier's system.
data_delivery_proposedFinal delivery methods and/or time slots have been proposed to the receiver and the courier is waiting for his feedback.
data_delivery_decidedFinal delivery methods and/or time slots has been decided (by courier, sender, receiver or unknown).
transitEvent related to overall transit.
transit_handoverShipment picked-up or received by the carrier.
transit_origin_country_departureShipment departed from origin country. (in case of an international shipment)
destinationEvent related to the arrival at the destination country.
destination_arrivalShipment arrived in the destination country.
customsEvent related to the customs clearance.
customs_receivedShipment received by/Presented to the customs.
customs_exceptionException or delay during customs clearance. Additional documents or payment may be required.
customs_rejectedShipment rejected by customs.
customs_clearedShipment cleared by customs.
deliveryEvent related to the delivery phase.
delivery_available_for_pickupShipment available for pickup at a pick-up point or at the Post Office.
delivery_out_for_deliveryShipment delivery in progress.
delivery_attemptedDelivery attempted and unsuccessful. Usually, the delivery will be tried again the next day, or the shipment will be left at a pick-up point.
delivery_exceptionIssue during delivery or preventing delivery, which usually could be solved.
delivery_refusedShipment refused by the recipient.
delivery_deliveredShipment has been delivered.
exceptionEvent related to an exception/issue which is usually final.
exception_returnShipment undeliverable, will be or being returned.
exception_lostShipment lost by the carrier.
exception_discardedShipment destroyed by the carrier.

If you are looking for more specific statusCode or notice any detection issue with the shipments you are tracking, don't hesitate to contact us.

Ship24 Sample Tracking Numbers​

You can use the following tracking numbers to test the different statuses. Each sample allows you to simulate a set of events, including statuses encountered in real shipment tracking, along with all corresponding statusMilestone updates.

You can reuse the same sample multiple times by modifying the last three characters of the sample to any three-digit combination (e.g., SHIP24_SAMPLE_DELIVERED_000, SHIP24_SAMPLE_DELIVERED_123, SHIP24_SAMPLE_DELIVERED_888). This will effectively create a new Tracker, with tracking results remaining the same as the version ending with 000. Alternatively, if you want to recreate a tracker with the exact same tracking number, you can do it by providing a unique clientTrackerId for each new Tracker.

Desired statusMilestoneSample Tracking Number